I'm In :: Invested
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Now let’s get the conversation going.
What’s something you’re really invested in?!
How do you feel about giving gifts? What’s more fun for you— giving gifts or receiving them?!
Have a student read Read Matthew 6:19-21
Leaders talk about growing up and whether you grew up with a scarcity or abundance mindset? Ask the students if they have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset?!
Talk about a time when you had an abundance mindset and how you were able to bless someone else. How did you see God’s through your abundant mindset?
A few questions to open our minds up to possibilities:
When we trust God with our time, and effort, and resources, He is faithful. How has your faith changed and grown in the times where you have trusted God with those things?
How have you seen God remain faithful as you’ve continued to be invested?
Commit and live it out.
Each student and leader should have a small card that says “I’m Invested in _____________) Take a few minutes and have a conversation as a small group. Discuss the things we are invested in. Write them down anywhere on the card except the “fill in the blank spot”.
Now discuss how those things aren’t necessarily bad, but that we can do those things while investing in the kingdom in our everyday.
Have the students write Kingdom Work in the fill in the blank
Think about how God might want to use what He’s given you to bless others. For the next week, spend intentional time praying for God to reveal any areas where you can live with a more abundant mindset.
Now pray together thanking God for entrusting us with the things he has given us. Help us to see our time, effort, and resources not as things to hold onto tightly but things with which we can bless other people and honor God.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-CIY MIX cutoff date is known.
-Everyone leaves knowing we are investing in something and the best investement we can make is in Kingdom Work.
-We are committed to pray for wisdom on how God might use us in his kingdom and how we might be invested whole heartedly.