Out There
Focused, Tight, & Out There
Our goal is to be a body of believers who are on mission to live “10:10” lives- “life to the full” (John 10:10). Our intention is to be focused on Jesus, tight in relationships, and out there loving and serving our neighbors, our communities, and the world! We believe that our presence in our community is not a coincidence. We believe that God has placed us here- in this specific location, in this specific time, to be agents of transformation.
Ice Cream Truck
What is better than ice cream? Free ice cream.
Since before we had our first gatherings, we’ve had our Ice Cream Truck. The “ICT” provides a way for our church body to serve our local community in a fun and unique way. The same Jesus who came to sacrifice himself for the sake of the world is the same Jesus who lives today and reflects a joy, hope, and love unlike any other. And it is our hope that WE can leverage the ICT to serve our neighbors in such a way that reflects that same joy, hope and love!
To view our ICT events or wanting to request the ICT for your next event, tap/click the button below! If you have any questions at all, please email–reggie@momentumcc.org
There are a growing number of students in our community whose emotional and social needs eclipse their ability and motivation to learn. Having a consistent mentor come alongside them at this vulnerable time can dramatically affect their lives. We have partnered with Kids Hope USA to provide mentors for students within the Henry County and Monroe County school systems.
If interested in serving as a mentor, please contact- reggie@momentumcc.org
Care through Foster & Adoptive Support
Our church body has a natural wiring for service through foster and adoptive communities. We believe in serving and stepping into these difficult spaces in a number of ways:
Faithbridge Foster Care
Over 200 children in our community are without a family. With an inadequate number of foster homes currently, children from our community are sent to homes in other cities. We have partnered with FaithBridge Foster Care to help provide homes for children in our community.
Promise 686 | CarePortal
Momentum has partnered with Promise686 in the form of their CarePortal ministry. CarePortal is a tool that houses a network of local churches and empowers us to work together in meeting the needs of families within our communities.
For more information on either of these ministries, simply complete the interest forms below.
Next Steps
Local partnerships and resources have given us a plethora of serving opportunities and avenues to spread the love, joy, peace and hope of Jesus. Whether it’s student mentoring, donated furniture, financial generosity, child foster/adopt, community events, or simply offering up free ice cream- we believe the call to love God and love others is absolutely missional.
If you are interested in receiving more information about our “Out There” Ministry Teams or best next steps, we ask that you fill out one of our campus specific interest forms below.