About Us
305 Westridge Pkwy,
McDonough, GA, 30253
Service Times: 9:15a & 10:45a
175 North Lee Street
Forsyth, GA 31029
Service Times: 8:15a, 9:30a, & 11a
Watch On Demand:
You can watch anytime after 2:00p every Sunday on our Youtube channel.
Our Story
Since we first launched our McDonough campus in 2007, the heartbeat of Momentum has been to help people experience life the way it was meant to be. God created you with great things in mind, and we want to come alongside and help you experience life to the full!
Over the years we have seen tremendous growth and needed to make room in our current building for new people. As exciting as that has been, we noticed many families coming from well beyond the McDonough area. Rather than building one huge facility to accommodate our current church family, plus leave room for future growth, God gave us the vision to be a family of churches mobilizing people to transform their communities with the Gospel.
So, we started looking where people were coming from and opening new campuses there. We launched a campus to the north, Eagle's Landing area, in 2013 and in September 2019 we launched a campus to the south, in Forsyth. It's been a great ride and we're excited about what God will continue to do in the future!
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. ”
Our Mission
-FOCUSED: Bringing glory to God / Becoming more like Jesus / Bold in the power of the Holy Spirit / Being on mission
-TIGHT: Within our Church home / In Community / Live out the ‘One Another’s’ toward each other / Discipleship / Partner
-OUT THERE: Loving our neighbors / Loving our community / Be where you live, work, play / Be on mission / Be a witness
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a community of people living life the way it was meant to be. (To create John 10:10 communities)
Our Strategy
We are a family of churches mobilizing people to transform their communities with the Gospel.
Our Values
-We value authentic relationships, environments, and worship.
-We value serving our church, our neighbors, and the nations.
-We value developing leaders, teams, and unity.
-We value multiplication.
Values allow us to plan, evaluate and discern.
Statement of Faith
God (Father)
We believe God is the one true God existing in three persons: God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God is still working today, as He has been throughout history, to fulfill His redemptive plan.
Jesus (Son)
We believe Jesus is the Son of God – both human and divine. Jesus is eternally equal with, and the same as, God. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, and ministered in word and miracle. He died for our sins, was raised to life, ascended into Heaven and is coming again for His people.
Holy Spirit
We believe that God is active in the lives of each believer through the Holy Spirit providing counsel, comfort and guidance.
We believe that we were created in God’s image for the purpose of reflecting His glory and to be in relationship with God. We have been separated from God by our disobedience (sin). Mankind has no way, within themselves, of restoring this relationship. God’s free gift of grace, through Jesus, is the only way we can be brought back into a relationship with God.
We believe that salvation takes place when a person accepts the free gift of grace, turns their life (just as it is) over to God, and asks for forgiveness for the sin in their life.