
We believe that 'making disciples' and 'growing tighter in relationships' go hand-in-hand in the Christian life.

Part of our mission at Momentum is to be TIGHT in relationships with other believers and in partnership with our church family. So the question each of us must ask ourselves is: "Am I growing tighter in relationships?"

If this is an area in which you know you need to grow, you’ve landed on the right page. Take a minute to read the descriptions below and express your interest, and we will make sure you receive more information about how to get connected. And if you have any questions, please feel free to email Melissa Hoover (Forsyth) or email Micah Grizzell (McDonough).

Life Groups and Learning Communities

In the registration form below, you can express interest in a life group and sign up for a learning community. Aside from contact information, none of the answers are required, so: fill it out if it applies, and leave it blank if it doesn't.

2&3’s, LifeGroups, & Coaches

Perhaps either a 2&3’s or a life group could be your best option for growing tighter in relationships. That’s awesome! What might your next step be? Check out these descriptions and options. Then you can let us know in the form below. 2&3’s consist of a few people who are committed to meet together regularly for the purpose of discipleship and encouragement.

  • Form a 2&3's. Maybe you are interested in committing to meet with a few other people for discipleship and encouragement. Sometimes these lead to the formation of a life group; sometimes they form out of a pre-existing life group. Either way, they create a small space for tight relationships.

Life groups consist of 10-12 adults who are committed to gathering together regularly for the purposes of mutual care, counsel, discipleship, and development.

  • Lead a life group. Maybe you are interested in leading out in the care, counsel, discipleship, & development of a small group. Don’t worry; you won’t be on your own. We will be there to train and equip you.

  • Host a life group. Maybe you are interested in opening up your home in hosting and hospitality. We see this as a separate responsibility than leading a group, though many choose to do both.

  • Join a life group. Maybe you are interested in participating in the life of a small group. Leading and hosting are not options for you now, but you definitely want to give and receive life within a small group.

Coaches are men and women who are committed to checking in on life group leaders to encourage them to thrive and to equip them for the opportunities and challenges they face.

  • Coach. Maybe you are interested in encouraging and equipping life groups leaders. Leaders need to be led and invested in too, right? Perhaps God has prepared you for such a role.

Interested in a 2&3’s, Life Groups, or coaching? Let us know:

Learning Communities

Perhaps a learning community could be your best option for growing tighter in relationships. What is it, and what might your next step be? Check out this description and your options, then let us know in the form below. Learning communities are medium-sized groups that commit to meeting for a designated amount of time for the purpose of teaching and discussing a specific topic, book, and/or scripture.

  • Lead a learning community. Maybe you are interested in leading out in teaching and discussion for a larger group study. This could be a great place for someone to exercise their gift of teaching within our church.

  • Join a learning community. Maybe you are interested in participating in a larger group study. You would love to study alongside others through an interesting topic.

Interested in a learning community? Let us know! Choose your campus below:

RightNow Media

What is RightNow Media? From their site:

“We believe the mission of the church matters. And we’ve seen how God can change lives through video resources. That’s why we developed RightNow Media. Now, every person in your church can access over 20,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more. We hope to help you equip and disciple the people of your church.”

Momentum subscribes to this great resource, and we want you to share in its benefits. Use it personally, with your family, in your life group… wherever. All we need is your name & email, and we can get you connected to our RightNow Media account. Just follow the link below.