I'm In :: Influential
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Now let’s get the conversation going.
How would you define the word “influencer”?!
Has a single conversation ever made a big difference in your life? How did it affect you?!
Have a student read Matthew 5:13-16
We have no idea how God can use one conversation, encouragement, or expression of love to influence others. Fascilitate conversation about people who influenced your students/leaders toward Christ.
Think about the people in your life you can most strategically influence. Who is it that God might be calling you to influence?!
A few questions to open our minds up to possibilities:
How can you be most influential? Think about the ways in which God has gifted you to be influential.
When are you most influential? Think about the opportunities you have to influence others.
Commit to this step and live it out this week.
As you interact with other people this week, think about how God might want you to use that conversation to glorify Him. Then follow His lead.
Now pray together thanking God for giving each of us the gift of influence. Pray we would see our conversations and interactions with others as opportunities to glorify God. That we would not doubt our ability to use the gifts God has given us.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-CIY MIX cutoff date is known. And CIY MOVE students are aware of their second deposit.
-Everyone leaves seeking God's guidance on how to persue conversations of influence this week.
-Everyone knows: You have no idea how one conversation, one word of encouragement, one expression of love might change someone’s life.