NXT :: Take it

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • First things first get those surveys filled out. One per student and leader.

  • Now let’s get the conversation going.

    • Have you ever tried to keep a plant alive? What steps did you take, and how did it go?

    • Think about a time when you felt stuck in a rut. What made you feel that way?!

  • Have a student read Read Psalm 92:13

    • In order to flourish, people need to be in the right environment. What things in your environment are helping you grow, and what things might need to change?

  • A few questions to open our minds up to possibilities:

    • The four nexts God wants for all of us are: know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and make a difference. Of those four steps, which one do you need to pursue?

    • It’s almost impossible to grow when you don’t have the right people around you. How can you start relying on others more? How can you start helping others grow?

  • Commit and live it out.

    • It’s time for you to get moving! Consider the four steps God wants all of us to take and commit to pursuing one of those steps this week.!

    • If you’re in need of support, how can you give the people around you a chance to help you?

    • If you know others in need of support, how can you be there for them, and think of specific ways you can show them your support this week.

Now pray together thanking God for never leaving us somewhere without a next step of transformation. Help us to see our next steps we can take and help us encourage others to take their next steps as well

We will know we have hit our target if:

-We stay relational and energetic approaching the end of the year.

-Everyone leaves knowing the four next steps we all have access to at all times.

-We are committed to pursuing one of those steps this week.


NXT :: Dreams


I'm In :: Invested