Secrets :: Addiction

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind the young ladies Radiant registration is open and they need to get signed up.

Now let’s get into it.

  • Start with a group question or two. Make sure you share as well leaders:

    • What are some common addictions that exist today but probably didn’t 50 years ago?

    • What are some subtle addictions the we overlook or play down?

  • Have a student read John 8:34-36 and Romans 6:6-18:(ask these follow up questions)

    • Based on these verses, what hope does a believer have of being free from


    • What does it mean to be dead to sin and alive to God? How would believ- ing this bring freedom from our addictions?

    • What makes it possible for us to say no to sin?

  • Have a student read 1 Corinthians 10:12-14, 1 Corinthians 15:33-34, Romans 13:12-14

    • While Moses was up on the mountain getting instructions from God, what did the people turn to and begin to worship?

    • What can we learn from their example as it relates to addiction? In what way is an addiction a form of idolatry?

    • What are some ways of escape that God might provide as it relates to addic- tions?

  • Call them to contemplation and action.

    • What excuses have you made for this addiction? In what ways has it become a part of your identity? How do you feel about yourself when you give in to your addiction? How have you tried to overcome this behavior?

    • What ties do you need to cut in order to be free? What need(s) should you trust God to meet, thereby filling the void? How confident are you that, through Christ, you can be free? What would make your relationship with God be more satisfying?

  • Finish by sharing these three simple steps for them to apply:

    • Ask those who know and love you if they see a problem with addiction in your life. Be prepared to listen without attempting to justify or make excuses. Be especially sensitive to how your behavior is affecting others..

    • Confide in someone who you respect that you desire to overcome your addiction through Christ. Give them permission to regularly ask you how you are doing.

    • Identify your addiction and the needs you are trying to meet or the feelings you are trying to numb. Surrender this need to God and start trusting Him to fill these voids in your life. What ties will you cut this week? Each time you are tempted to get a fix, tell God how you are feeling and then, renew your mind with the truth.

Now pray together.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-We all begin a process of humility and weakness in our lives to make way for God's grace.

-Students and leaders have 3 steps for moving away from addiction.



Secrets :: Sex


Secrets :: Lying