Secrets :: Sex
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Now let’s get into it.
Start with a group question or two. Make sure you share as well leaders:
In what ways does our society worship the human body and sex?
What makes it so hard to admit and turn from sexual sins?
Have a student read Romans 1:24-28; and James 1:13-17:(ask these follow up questions)
Where does pursuing pleasure apart from God lead? Based on these verses, what is the root problem when it comes to sexual sin?
How is deception involved in getting us hooked into sexual sin? What are some lies we believe that affect our desires and choices?
Have a student read Read Matthew 5:27-29 and Job 31:1 (Bouncing Your Eyes)
How did Jesus define adultery? How does it start? When does looking at
someone become inappropriate?
What do you think Jesus was implying by getting rid of your eye?
If sin is not dealt with, at it’s beginning, where does it lead?
Have a student Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:1-7 (Capture your thoughts)
We can’t keep bad thoughts out, but we can make a conscious choice to reject and renounce them. On what are we to focus our thoughts? Give an example of replacing a impure thought with one that is true and glorifies God.
How do we put to death that which is worldly? What sexual sins are listed in Colossians 3:4-5?
Have a student read Romans 13:9-14; 1 Corinthians 6:15-20; 10:12-14 (Run for your life)
How are sexual sins a violation of the greatest commandment? Is putting on the Lord Jesus just a matter of changing our behavior?
Why should we abstain from sexual behavior out- side of marriage? What power have we been given to overcome sexual sins?
Call them to contemplation and action.
At what age were you exposed for the first time to sexually explicit material or information?
What would you tell someone who asked you why he/she should give up their particular sexual sin?
What do you need to eliminate from your life that contributes to your weakness? How can we, as a Small Group, help you pursue sexual healing and freedom?
Finish by sharing these three simple steps for them to apply:
Ask the Lord to give you a healthy and pure perspective of other people, es- pecially the opposite sex.Ask God to show you the true destructiveness of sexual sins and reveal to you His purpose for your sexuality.
Ask God to heal your mind and empower your commitment to eliminate sex- ual immorality of any kind from your life.
Practice mentally taking captive any distorted sexual thought that enters your mind and replace it with what is true, good, and pure according to God’s Word. Spend focused time in praise and worship, filling your mind with God’s goodness, grace, and love.
Find someone who wants what is best for your spiritual well being who can speak into your life in this area.
Now pray together.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-We understand the emotional, physical, and spiritual damage sexual impurity does to our being.
-Students and leaders have 3 things to protect the wounds God is healing in their lives when it comes to sexual impurity.
-Groups get honest about their struggles.