Secrets :: Lying

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind the young ladies Radiant registration is open and they need to get signed up.

Now let’s get into it.

  • Start with a group question or two. Make sure you share as well leaders:

    • What did your parents do if they caught you telling a lie?

    • What are some of the first things we lie about as children?

  • Have a student read 1 John 1:5-10:(ask these follow up questions)

    • John contrasts light with darkness. What do you think the terms light and darkness represent?

    • What does it means to walk in the light and what is the result?

    • Why is it important to bring our sins out into the light?

  • Have a student read Ephesians 4:22-25

    • How do we lay aside the habit of lying?

    • What are we to put on?

  • Call them to contemplation and action.

    • What are your main reasons for lying? Is it to protect other’s feelings, impress others, get what you want, hide your failures or weaknesses, keep the peace, stay out of trouble or something else?

    • What do you need to confess? What lie do you need to bring into the light? Is there someone to whom you need to confess your sin in order to be healed? What lie(s) keep you from being hon- est with others?

  • Finish by sharing these three simple steps for them to apply:

    • Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of any lies that need to be confessed and to whom.

    • Practice confessing this week: not only agree about your sins and being forgiven but also about who He is and who you are in Christ.

    • Whenever you are tempted to lie, ask yourself, “Why?”. Identify the lie(s) that you need to reject and replace it/them with God’s truth.

Now pray together.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-We all begin a process of confession in our lives designed to keep us confessing to God and counting on Jesus.

-Students and leaders have 3 steps for moving away from lying and towards the truth.

-The ladies are aware radiant is only a week and a half away.


Secrets :: Addiction


Difficult People :: Fakes