Difficult People :: Fakes

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.


  • Remind the young ladies Radiant registration is open and they need to get signed up.

Start by asking who is coming to the Spaghetti Fundraiser. (We need them to actually have their parents sign up so call them to action)

Next make a plan for your group for MOXIE F.U.N. night.

Now let’s get into it.

  • Hypocrite Adj, ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit

    a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

  • We have to confront them

    • Confront with caution

    • Confront with a goal of restoration

    • Confront with commitment

  • Have a student read 2 Samuel 12:1-20

    • How did Nathan accomplish the three important parts of confronting hypocrisy in David’s life?

    • How did David respond to God when he discovered his hypocrisy?

    • Anybody have a story they’d be willing to share about a time they dealt with hypocrisy? (Leaders you can speak up here too. Just be wise with your sharing :) )

  • Scripture actually has a pretty great answer to how we might deal with hypocrites inside the body of Christ as well. How we can deal with one another from a place of love when we see hypocrisy in each others lives. Have a student read Matthew 18:15-17

    • How should we handle hypocrisy and hurt among our family in Moxie and the church?

      • Talk to them directly with humility(be cautious), and with love (restoration and commitment)

      • If that doesn’t work then grab a trusted friend or two and try again.

      • If that doesn’t work get the church involved (Chad, leaders, etc.)

      • If that doesn’t work then redefine the relationship

  • Finish by having students spend some time considering these three things:

    • Ask yourself honestly if there is someone in your life you need to be praying for because they do not know Jesus and they are struggling with hypocrisy.

    • Ask yourself honestly if there is someone in your life who follows Jesus but is struggling with hypocrisy.

      • How will you confront them?

      • Should you confront them?

    • Ask yourself honestly if you are currently acting one way and talking another. Are you struggling with hypocrisy and if you are how are you planning on dealing with it?

      • Who can you tell so you do not carry the burden alone?

      • How will you pray and spend time with Jesus when it comes to that area of your life?

Now pray together.

Remind them The Spaghetti Fundraiser and F.U.N. Night next week

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students and leaders understand that hypocrisy is something everyone will struggle with in their lives. Both with others being hypocritical and themselves being hypocritical sometimes as well.

-Students and leaders have a plan on how they will confront the hypocrisy in their own lives as well as those they do life with.

-The ladies are signing up for Radiant.

-Everyone leaves with a plan to have their parents sign up for the spaghetti dinner.


Secrets :: Lying


Difficult People :: Sycophants