Difficult People :: Sycophants
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Remind the young ladies Radiant registration is open and they need to get signed up.
Start by asking who is coming to the Spaghetti Fundraiser. (We need them to actually have their parents sign up so call them to action)
Sycophant n, /ˈsikəfənt,ˈsikəˌfant/
a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
Two greatest weapons: Threats and guilt.
Three steps:
Recognize when someone is trying to control you.
Say: This is not going to work on me
Redefine the relationship
Spend a few minutes ensuring the students understand that manipulation comes in all shapes and sizes. You could even share a tory to help illustrate the point.
Have a student read Genesis 25:29-34
How do we see Jason being a sycophant? How did he manipulate Esau?
What could Esau have done based on what we learned to help himself and Jacob?
Have a student read Judges 16:1-21
How do we see Delilah being a sycophant? How did she manipulate Samson?
What could Samson have done based on what we learned to help himself and Delilah?
Have a student read Mark 6:21-26
How was Herod Manipulated?
Sometimes when someone is manipulating someone else the person most affected might be a completely different person. Johns head got cut off because Herod was manipulated.
What can we do when we see someone being manipulated by someone else?
Finish by having students spend some time considering these two things:
Ask yourself honestly if there is someone in your life you are allowing to control you. Someone you idolize or can’t say no too, or feel any of the things we talked about.
If there is then how will you let them know it isn’t gonna work any more.
Ask yourself honestly if you are trying to control someone else in your life. You are manipulative even if you think it is for their own good.
If this is you then how will you break free of that sin in your life? What can you do to make things right?
Now pray together.
Remind them The Spaghetti Fundraiser!!!!
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students and leaders understand that sycophants are manipulators who want to control because they are afraid. But Jesus can make their lives different by replacing fear with Joy.
-Students and leaders have some awareness of either people in their lives who are manipulative or that they themselves are manipulative. But that they can change those things in their lives by following Jesus.
-The ladies are signing up for Radiant.
-Everyone leaves with a plan to have their parents sign up for the spaghetti dinner.