Difficult People :: Emotional Vampires

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind them they can ask us anything by texting AMA to 678-798-8338 or by dropping a card in the lobby AMA Box.

  • Remind the young ladies Radiant registration is open and they need to get signed up.

Start by asking who is coming to the Spaghetti Fundraiser. (We need them to actually have their parents sign up so call them to action)

  • Get a base line on Emotional Vampires - Spend some time making sure they understood the concept..

    • Ask them if they have ever dealt with anybody in their life that is overly needy - an emotional vampire?

    • This could be a great place to share a personal story as a leader that may help them feel more comfortable sharing as well.

  • Spend a few minutes ensuring the students understand the difference between people who are in need and needy people.

  • The three things:

    • Offer what they need not what they want.

      • Have a student read ACTS 3:1-7

      • Have a quick discussion utilizing OIA.

        • See if anyone including leaders have a story of a time where they wanted one thing but they actually needed another.

    • Set healthy Boundaries.

      • Have a student read Mark 1:35-39

      • Using OIA (Observation, Interpretation, Application) explore this as a group.

        • Has anyone ever had to set boundaries with someone in their life?

        • Has anyone got someone in their life right now they need to set boundaries with?

          • Talk about some real world ways they can set boundaries.

    • Allow them to face their consequences,

      • Have a student read Galatians 6:7-8

      • You know the deal. OIA this thang

        • Have the students talk about “Whats the biggest consequence you have had in your life?” Either good or bad.

        • Also ask if they have ever saved anyone from their consequences (a great example would be someone cheating off one of their tests, or someone having you lie for them)

        • Students and Leaders discuss ways to deal with needy people who want saving from their consequences.

          • Many times these kind of emotional vampires will use guilt, or bullying, or peer pressure, or any number of things to try and have people save them from their consequences.

  • Finish by having students share which of the three things they think will be the hardest for them:

    • Once you have some good conversation going take some time to brainstorm ways they might be able to pursue all three on a daily basis - especially the hardest one.

Now pray together.

Remind them The Spaghetti Fundraiser and baptism this Sunday.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students and leaders understand that emotional vampires - the overly needy require compassion - genuine compassion which is not easy.

-Students and leaders have some ideas on how they might implement the three things we discussed on their every day lives.

-The ladies start signing up for Radiant.

-Everyone leaves with a plan to have their parents sign up for the spaghetti dinner.


Difficult People :: Sycophants


Difficult People :: Self Righteous