Difficult People :: Self Righteous

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind them they can ask us anything by texting AMA to 678-798-8338 or by dropping a card in the lobby AMA Box.

  • Remind the young ladies Radiant registration is open and they need to get signed up.

  • Then go over the Small Group Expectations with the entire group. Make sure everyone in the room agrees that they understand the rules.

Start by catching up briefly with how the new school semester is going. Take a moment to laugh and have fun - But then you got to get into it.

  • Have an open discussion with the students asking them what they think of when you mention difficult people.

    • Ask them if they have ever dealt with anybody in their life that is overly critical - a self righteous person?

    • This could be a great place to share a personal story as a leader that may help them feel more comfortable sharing as well.

  • Spend a few minutes ensuring the students understand the difference between positive and negative criticism in their life.

    • Praise – often reveals what you value most.

    • Criticism – often reveals your deepest insecurities.

      • Have a student read Matthew 7:3-4 to reiterate the truth of unhealthy criticism coming from a place of insecurity. (You may need to unpack this some to ensure they digest it)

    • Listen when the persons motive is to help and not to hurt,

      • Have a student read Ecclesiastes 7:5

      • Have another student read Proverbs 15:31-32

      • Using OIA (Observation, Interpretation, Application) explore these passages as a group.

        • Your two groups are the wise and the foolish (Wise people always criticize to help, fools criticize to hurt)

          • application should point to Praying for the foolish and participating with the wise.

  • Ask the students about how well they listen? Discuss the difference between listening and hearing.

    • Move towards the two ways to participate:

      • Apply or Answer

        • Apply - you know the criticism is totally valid and you need to work on something.

        • Answer - you know the person just needs more information so their perspective can shift on their criticism.

  • Now three easy next steps:

    • What difficult person in their life that seems to always have something to criticize them for can they pray for this week?

    • What friend or family member do they need to go apologize to for being critical from a motive to hurt instead of help (any one they tear down to make fun of or make themselves feel better)

    • What person in their life who genuinely cares for them do they need to ask “Whats one thing I could do to improve myself?” and then practice actually applying it.

Now pray together.

Remind them The Spaghetti Fundraiser is coming and CIY registration is open.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students and leaders understand that criticism is a good thing thast is sometimes used a s abad thing.

-Students and leaders understand that criticism that is intended to help is a pretty great thing to help is become wiser and stronger.

-Students and leaders understand that criticism that is intended to hurt is a great way to identify people who need prayer.

-The ladies start signing up for Radiant.

-Everyone leaves with three people in mind that they can intentionally apply what they have learnind to.


Difficult People :: Emotional Vampires


Promises of God :: The End