Truth :: Sacrifice

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  • It is a weird wild season so don’t just be flexible. Be fluid. We will have to be the ones who set the culture and expectations for the students in this unusual time so just make sure and keep a structured time these next few weeks until they get used to this season.

  • Sacrifice:

    • Start by asking who all remembered to read their paper from last week daily.

      • Have everyone share again what they wrote down.

    • Have a student retell the story of the Parable of the good samaritan.

      • Talk through how the priest and Levite broke the law according to God’s Law.

        • Use the two most important commands/laws to prove it.

      • Talk through how Justice was accomplished in the parable.

        • Point out the samaritan’s sacrifice.

        • Explain that although the samaritan sacrificed they were sacrifices any of us could do :)

      • Explore how justice is personal

    • Have a student - or leader if need be - Retell the story of John Malcolm.

      • Ask the students to explain how John Malcolm was wronged.

      • Ask them to explain how the ripples of the water represent injustice.

      • Leaders will need to help them unpack this idea fully.

    • Have someone read Ephesians 5:1-2

      • Have them try to explain what God’s example is we need to follow.

        • Point them to Jesus’ sacrifice to fulfill justice.

    • Have someone read Romans 12:1

      • Have them try to explain what it means to be a living sacrifice.

      • We are a living sacrifice when we will live to fight for the Justice of God by fulfilling it through mercy and love, and service to others.

    • Circle back around to their papers from last week.

      • Help them come up with simple first steps to take in sacrifice to help fight for justice.

      • Use the parable of the good samaritan to explain it if you need to.

  • Finish with Prayer

  • After prayer everyone say Philippians 4:8 aloud :)

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students leave with real world simple steps towards sacrifice in their lives.

-We can hopefully recite Philippians 4:8 without looking.

Everyone has a framework they can build on where Truth, Justice, and Sacrifice cannot be divorced from each other.

There are good plans for Moxie Lifegroup Hang for each group.


Paradox :: Peasant King


Truth :: Justice