Truth :: Justice
It is a weird wild season so don’t just be flexible. Be fluid. We will have to be the ones who set the culture and expectations for the students in this unusual time so just make sure and keep a structured time these next few weeks until they get used to this season.
(FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability: This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week.
Ask the students to define Justice.
Talk a little about Adam and Eve and how they broke the law of God.
See if anyone can remember what Mishpat means.
The Hebrew word for justice which means to balance the scales.
Read back over Jeremiah 22:13 as a group.
Talk about how we can see that injustice was John Malcolm’s story because fo this verse.
Point out how the verse points to people making others work for nothing for their own gain.
See if anyone remembers what Rasha mean? (Guilty one)(that is us without Jesus)
We talked about how our lives might look as followers if we were citizens of Heaven above everything else.
Proverbs 14:31
Proverbs 31:8-9
Talk about how this would look for us in our lives where we live.
What did they write on their paper?
How can they step into this?
How can we step into this?
Keep track of any awesome ideas and let Chad Know :)
Take some time and talk about what stood out to them the most about John Malcolm’s story so far.
Take a look back at Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students can grasp what justice actually is.
-Students leave with an answer in their pocket to the question "What injustice am I seeing around me?".
We have all moved closer to Christian as a nationality instead of a tight or dirty old shirt we can take off when we get uncomfortable.
-We have said Philippians 4:8 out loud.