Paradox :: Peasant King
We are BACK!!!. But that doesn’t mean we dont have to be wise. So just reitterate that even though we are meeting as a whole family again everyone should still be wise with their social distancing and make sure their hands stay clean and that they cover their mouths when they cough.
(FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together in Large group and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability: This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week.
Ask the students who can remember what a paradox is? Have them explain it.
The simple definition we used was “a person or thing having qualities that seem to be opposite”
Ask if anyone remembers the two paradoxes at the beginning of our large group time?
The paradox of the email letting Chad know the email wasn’t working.
The paradox of Pinocchio saying his nose was going to grow.
Ask if anyone knows any other paradoxes they can think of. Anything that doesn’t make sense but exists anyways?
Here are two extra examples if you need them:
Never say never
Opposite Day - If everything that particular day is opposite then the day itself must be opposite making it not opposite day.
Peasant King: (Write down all the Laws of the land your group comes up with and put it in the LG bucket)
We spent some time looking at how Jesus was both a Peasant and a King.
A peasant being a lowly person in the monarchy.
A king being the Royal leader and head of the entire nation.
But Jesus is both. He is our King. The king of all followers. and when you look at monarchs the Kings have the ultimate power to decide what the laws of the land are. How the people of the kingdom should behave. So lets check out a few verses and see if we can come up with some laws of the land for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Have someone read Matthew 22:37-40
What two laws of the land can we see here?
Have someone read Matthew 4:17
What does repent mean? (It means to turn away form our sinfulness and towards Jesus asking for forgiveness.)
One of the leaders should read Matthew 6:25-34.
What laws of the land did you guys hear?
Have someone read Matthew 7:12
This is the true power of a Peasant King who came to serve so we could be a part of his family and Kingdom. So what should we do then?
Take some time to catch up with one another.
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students and leaders celebrate our family being back together whole.
-Students have a basic understanding of what a paradox is.
-Students build a list of the laws of the land.
-Students are aware and getting hyped for Collision.