The Way :: Rememberance
Guys bring all your peeps up to speed on the Pledge from the Foundry. Give each of them a copy to keep. Ask what their favorite part was and what their least favorite part was.
(FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together in Large group and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability: This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week.
Ladies ask your girls what they are most excited about for Radiant coming up. Get some hype on that thang.
Tonight we learned about Jesus’ last supper and his command to remember him.
Have someone in the group read Matthew 26:26-29
Have someone else read Mark 14: 22-25
Have someone else read Luke 22: 14-23
This is the same night from three of Jesus’ closest friends and disciples.
What stands out the most about this experience to you?
You will find unleavened bread and kosher grape juice in your life group rooms.
Explain to the students this is as close as we can get to the actual kind of bread they would have had that night. Everyone can have some as well as some juice. Explain the juice is kosher which means it was prepared using all the codes and laws of the Old Testament to make sure it is suitable for the Passover feast.
Spend a moment explaining how as Followers of Jesus one of the things his sacrifice has done is completed the law and given us freedom from the law of the old testament because we have the Holy Spirit.
Take some time to catch up with one another.
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students understand why it is important that we remember what Jesus did for us.
-Students are more informed about what communion/the table is.
-We have all students not currently in our database fill out a connect card.
-Students get to voice their opinions and feelings on both the Foundry and Radiant.