The Way :: Prayer and Baptism
First Things First; The Didache used Matthew 6 to inform the prayer and fasting chapter.
So Have someone read Matthew 6:5-13
Break down 5&6
He is saying when you do pray make sure it isn't for anyone else other than God. Make sure it isn't just for show so people will think you have a relationship with God when really you don't. You are just pretending.
Break down 7&8
He is saying don't be that weird guy who uses a bunch of words you would never use regularly. Don't be all churchy prayer guy. Don't say daddy God - it is weird. I am adding that here but it is weird! When you pray make sure you are speaking the truth to God and you aren't just rambling on to check a box.
The Lords Prayer Explained
V9: Always acknowledge who it is you are praying to. Who is he, what is he, what does he deserve.
V10: Always acknowledge the future we desire. His not ours
V11: He supplies us with everything we need which is all we really need.
And then we move towards the things we want.
V12: We want him, we want what he has promised and what he delivers to all his followers. Forgiveness from God and a forgiving heart are the kind of wants we can have that are in line with the will of God.
V13: We want to be new, we want to be supernatural.
At the core of all prayer is Jesus. He makes it possible to even pray with God which is why many people say in his name at the end of a prayer. And if you aren't spending that time communicating with God, paying attention to him you are not praying.
Do they have any questions about Prayer?
How, when, where, Etc.
On a scale of never - not much - some - all the time
How often do you pray
Ask them how you can help them in their prayer life?
So Have someone read Matthew 6:16-17
Break Down V16: If you are fasting for props. Or you are fasting for show, or you are fasting for anything other than exchanging the natural for the supernatural. Anything other than paying more attention to God then you are a hypocrite.
Break down V17: So fasting is a private thing that is designed specifically for you and the Lord. So don't make it about anything else. Sure Jesus was hungry but he understood fasting wasn’t about what he was giving up but instead about what he was gaining.
Do they have any questions about fasting?
Spend some time explaining how fasting is traditionally food based, but it can also be anything you intentionally remove for a time to focus on God more in life and prayer.
Ask if there is anything that comes to mind that they could fast from for a period of time.
If they have something ask how long and when, and ask how you can help.
Take some time to catch up with one another.
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students feel connected with.
-Students have at least a cursory understanding of prayer and fasting as a follower.
-Students have a clear next step in the prayer or fasting practices.
-We have lifegroups :).