The Way :: Gathering

  • Guys check in with your dudes and find out who is coming to The Foundry and hype it up!

  • (FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together in Large group and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability: This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week. 

  • Ask the students the best and worst part of their week last week.

  • Tonight we learned the importance of gathering together.

    • We so often come up with excuses for not coming to church. 

    • Sports, not enough time, you can just watch on your phone, etc.

      • What are some of the reasons you don’t prioritize gathering?

  • Sometimes we think that we’re better off doing life alone but tonight we learned that is not the way that Jesus laid it out for us.

    • Christ doesn’t save sinners so they will live in isolation or be lone-rangers—He saves them so that they will be in community with one another, speaking the truth in love to one another, “one anothering” each other, and displaying forth His character and glory to a watching world.

    • Spend some time discussing and considering this and the truths of the night and make sure everyone has an understanding of the importance of gathering together and how it helps us grow.

  • Read 1 Corinthians 14:26 and unpack what that means for us.

  • Talk through the ways that gathering is good for us and which ones stick out to them as one’s they need.

    • Gathering Makes Us Stronger

      • God is the One that gives us strength. No matter where we are in our faith, gathering together provides us with strength. Being around other believers gives us the chance to learn and grow in our faith. It demonstrates to us why we believe. It's great to be out in the world evangelizing to others, that’s what we are called to do. But gain your strength in gathering so that you are more effective when you go out in the world. 

    • Gathering Reminds Us We're Not Alone

      • Coming together as a family in worship and learning helps to remind us that we are not alone in this world. This world will bring troubles, but they can be made lighter with the help of others around us. That's why God wanted us to come together so that we always know we're not alone. 

    • Gathering Helps Us Grow

      • Coming together is a great way for each of us to grow in our faith. Reading our Bibles and praying are great ways to get closer to God, but each of us has important lessons to impart to one another. When we come together in Moxie, or LG, or on Sundays, we teach each other important lessons.

  • Take some time to catch up with one another.

  • Finish with Prayer

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students understand why it is important that we gather together.

-Students are already thinking about the weeks to come.

-We have all students not currently in our database fill out a connect card.

-Students feel cared for and connected with through our intentional relationship building.


The Way :: Rememberance


The Way :: Life and Death