Radiant 2021 :: Session 3

  • Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Heather.

  • Have someone read 1 Peter 2:9

    • Have a discussion about the family language in these verses.

    • What distracts you the most in your life from remembering this truth?

    • Those things that came to mind may be exactly where you need to start unrooting yourself and instead rooting yourself to Christ.

  • As a family one of the things we get to do is grow with one another. Just like Heather was talking about the Oak trees that grow close together - when we grow close together, when we pursue God together our relational roots intertwine and we become stronger. But isn’t an accident, it has to be intentional.

    • As a group come up with a way for you as a family to grow more intentionally together:

      • It could be a bible study you do together.

      • Or maybe a weekly conversation over the weekend when you aren’t at moxie.

      • It can even be as simple as regular texts and prayers for one another.

  • As a group make a decision and finish by praying over that decision.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Everyone feels connected to their lifegroup family and the moxie family.

-Everyone has a simple next step they can persue as a group to grow together.

-The young ladies leave empowered to trust in God for their value and their identity - rooting themselves in the King of the Universe instead of the things this world.


Young Saints :: David and Goliath


Radiant 2021 :: Session 2