Young Saints :: David and Goliath
Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.
This series life group material is going to be simpler by design. Just a few questions and some scripture and you all as leaders need to work to create an environment where the students become a part of the discipleship journey. They are Young Saints and we need to start treating them that way. (NO ANARCY THO. lol)
An easy way to do this is by listening and finding stories you can expand upon from their world.
Once they have skin in the game just ask genuinely inquisitive open ended questions that direct them back towards the truth that they are not to young to be used by God.
Ask the students what are the giants and the monsters they fear in their lives?
Make sure they understand the way that analogy, and help them unpack it.
Don’t be afraid to sit in this and allow some uncomfortableness to spur conversation. This will be the most vulnerable they will be all night and that can take some time to get to.
Have someone read Luke 10:19-20
Ask the students if these verses are true and if so then how can they begin to walk in the authority they have been given by Jesus when it comes to their own giants?
Make sure they understand not all giants are external to us. Sometimes our own doubts, or insecurities are the giants we should be defeating.
Have someone retell the story of David and Goliath in their own words.
Now spend some time unpacking the concept that it was not bravery but truth that made David behave the way he did.
Our own sin and the work of our spiritual enemy are always plotting against us. We can use the authority we have been given to defeat them both everyday. But only when we know the truth about that authority, and not just know it but believe it - have faith in it.
Have a student read Psalm 144:12
This is a Psalm that David wrote many years after Goliath.Ask the students “if what David knew about God and what we know about God is true then what does this verse mean for us?”
Finish by reiterating that as followers of Jesus our lives, our eternal lives, are marked by victory and that we can live in victory over our giants and our monsters even now when we live in the faith of his promises and the authority we have been given.
Have every come up with a simple way this week they will step into that authority to defeat one of their giants.
Make a point to explain that while David hit Goliath with a rock and he fell - David’s battle wasn’t over. He then had to get over to Goliath, pull out his enormous sword. Stab Goliath, then cut his head off, then bring the head back. Like it can take a lot to defeat a giant, and this was just one of the first of the monsters in David’s life that he had to fight. We are guaranteed victory but sometimes that victory can take a long time and a lot of battling.
Pray as a group for God to help us individually, as life groups, and as a Moxie family to step into the authority we have and the victory that is certain in our lives. .
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students have a concrete answer to the questions "What giants will you battle this week?", and "How are you defeating those giants this week?".
-Everyone has a more full understanding of David and Goliath so that every time they hear the account of the battle they are reminded of their authority in Christ.
-Ladies have some time to celebrate Radiant and capitalize on the relational equity built and Guys are reminded and excited to come to the Foundry.