The Seven :: Sons of Sceva

  • Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.

  • First up the Dunning Kruger effect:

    • Make sure the students grasp the basics of this idea.

    • Have them share some examples of it. You can share too and guide them

  • Ask them if they remember the two things we need to do as followers of Jesus to combat the Dunning Kruger

    • First consider what you don't know?

    • Second pursue what you don't know?

    • explore what this means in the context of our relationship with Jesus.

      • A great example might be how even with close friends or family we can learn brand new things we didn’t know. Or discover somewthing we thought we know about someone we actually didn’t.

  • Have someone read Acts 19:11-20

    • Now have the group retell the story of the seven sons of Sceva

    • Ask them how the Dunning Kruger shows up in the lives of the seven

  • Have another student read Ephesians 3:17-21

    • Connect the dots that this letter was written by paul to the church in Ephesus where the whole thing went down with the seven

    • Have a conversation about how you will all pursue verse 21 in your lives

  • Help students come up with some simple steps this week to start actively pursuing that epistamai kind of relationship with Jesus in areas where they haven’t

    • If they have trouble simply point them towards Easter and considering if they have ever really thought about what Jesus thought about them in those days.

    • Point them towards how little we tend to know about what Jesus did for use when we tend to find ourselves thinking we really know a lot about Easter.

  • Pray as a group that God would help us pursue him diligently like Proverbs 8:17. Pursuing him in love.


We will know we have hit our target if:

-There is an understanding of whay the seven sons of Sceva experienced what they did.

-The student have begun to think about Easter outside of just the context of a church service, some eggs, and some chocolate bunnies. A more personal turn towards Easter

-There is some real life application for them to execute starting tomorrow based on the abstract truths we explored.


The Seven :: Sayings


Young Saints :: David and Goliath