Radiant 2021 :: Session 1

  • Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Heather..

  • Start off by having a student read Colossians 2:6-8

    • Discuss as a group what these verses teach us.

  • Have the ladies discuss what are some of the things they have rooted yourself with?

  • Ask how those roots show weakness in their lives?

  • Leaders spend a few minutes sharing roots you have “mis-planted” in your own life.

  • Have a different student read Jeremiah 17:5-8

    • Heather talked about the Live Oaks on Cumberland Island and about how much we have in common with them. Talk about how this verses prove that when it comes to our spiritual nutrition and our roots.

  • Being rooted in Christ means we have a strong desire to know Him, to have faith in Him even when it is difficult to understand, to spend time in His presence daily to grow stronger in our faith. It means we submit to Him and trust in Him with every part of our lives.

  • Pray as a group asking God to forgive us where needed and to help us how our roots in him and in his ways.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-The ladies start to see the importance of where they root themselves.

-Repentence takes place.

-They are excited for the next day.


Radiant 2021 :: Session 2


Young Saints :: Jeremiah