WHO :: Son of Man

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until checkin has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Take a moment to check in from last week: Ask how life was different since last week (Considering Immanuel - God with us)

  • Have everybody in the group share these three things: Their school, Their middle name, one interesting fact about themselves.

  • Ask the students “What is empathy”

    • Does this person care enough to meet me where I am?

  • Ask the students “What is authority”

    • Is this person capable of helping me get where I need to go?

  • Ask “Have you ever thought about Jesus in this way?”

    • Discuss this guiding the students to the truth of Jesus being the ultimate guide.

  • Ask “Who can tell us how Jesus guides us to who we are?”

    • Have a student read Matthew 16:24-26

      • Ask what are the three things he asked us to do?

        • Deny Ourselves

        • Take up our cross

        • Follow Him.

  • Ask “What are the ways in our lives starting right now and even tomorrow thaqt we can persue each of these things?”

    • As leaders guide the conversation to specific real world actions they can take in their lives - even if you only have a few kids really engage work with them in that discipleship model to show the whole group how the church grows one another up.

  • Have a student explain what is means when we say Jesus is the son of man.

  • Close by reitterating the truth that Jesus didn’t just introduce a new way of being human. He introduced the true way of being human.

  • Pray as a group.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Everyone understand the dangers of our culture shouting the idea that we need to “find ourselves” and be “true to ourselves.” in the absence of Jesus.

-Everyone leaves with a simple way to persue denying themselves, taking up their cross, and following Jesus every moment they have been given.

-All students are completely aware that October 12th is the deadline for getting a t-shirt when you sign up for Collision.

-They all knwo to invite someone to Collision - There is still time :).


WHO :: Messiah


WHO :: Immanuel