WHO :: Immanuel
Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.
Do not move on until checkin has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.
Take a moment to check in from last week: How was break?
This week we start a series called WHO. And we looked at Jesus as Immanuel.
Share any superstitions you have and ask the students to share theirs.
Ask the students “What does Immanuel mean?”
Have a student read Isaiah 7:1-14
Have another student read Matthew 1:23
Ask “How are these connected?”
Guide the students in the truth about Immanuel.
Ask “Somebody explain in their own words what Immanuel means?”
Allow a few to share.
You are looking for God with us both in the flesh 2000 years ago as well as with us everyday today.
Ask “Does anyone have anybody in their life they think of who knows everything about them, and who does life with them?” Let them share
Ask “Does anyone have that kind of relationship with Jesus?”
As the conversation happens this would be a great place for leaders to speak into the students lives form their own experiences. Times where you are close with Jesus and what that feels like and how that changes you as opposed to times when you are distant or self focused. This is a great opportunity for the gospel as it played out in your life.
Ask “What is something easy we could do daily starting today to pursue that kind of relationship better?”
Make sure whatever you guys share or come up with you can remember to check in next week with them.
Ask a student to read Matthew 28:20
Jesus is Gods with us Forever - always
Ask a student to read Revelation 21:3
Finish by discussing what those of us who follow Jesus should be doing in light of the fact that God is with us forever - always (the context can be battling sin, proclaiming the gospel, etc.)
Close by praying as a group.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Everyone can explain what the name Immanuel means when we talk about Jesus.
-Everyone leaves with a simple way to persue closer relationship on the daily with Jesus.
-Our personal connection with Jesus has grown through the exploration of the name Immanuel.
-They all knwo to invite someone to Collision - There is still time :).