
  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Start by going over the small group expectations in your small group buckets.

    • Make sure everyone understands and agrees.

  • Once you have done that check out this video.

  • What are some of the direct effects of sin that you see on our world today? What are some indirect effects? Use specific examples.

  • Throughout the Old Testament, God provided an antidote to sin through atonement (animal sacrifice) and purification (sprinkling the blood through the temple). Why do you think these symbols failed to produce lasting change?

  • Do you agree that sin is like vandalism? Why or why not?

  • Have a student read Colossians 2:13-14

  • Have another student read 1 Corinthisn 15:3-4

  • For leaders: Throughout history, God has provided a remedy for the devastation of sin first through the atonement symbolized by animal sacrifice and then by the ultimate sacrifice of his Son, Jesus, on the cross.

  • Have you ever thought or heard something similar to “God is good. He should be the one to get rid of all the evil in the world.”? Has what you learned today changed your perspective? Why or why not?

  • What do you think the Bible means when it says that while we were dead in our sins, God made us alive in Christ?

  • Do you think that it is still true that sin requires a blood sacrifice? Why or why not?

  • For Leaders: As we’ve learned more about atonement and sacrifice in the Old Testament, we see that it was a reflection of God’s ultimate plan to break the power of sin and death on us. By understanding that blood was a symbol for life, we develop a deeper understanding of the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

  • How will you live differently tomorrow knowing that that Jesus lived, was crucified and rose from the dead for you?

  • Have you been baptized?

    • If they say yeas then celebrate with them.

    • If they say no just ask if it is something they are interested in.

  • Close by praying as a group.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-All students hear and agree to the expectations in small group

-We get everyone entered into the system by ensuring everyone has filled out a connect form if they aren't on the check in page.

-Students have an understanding of the importance of the ressurection, atonement, and sacrifice.

-We have a good idea of how many students have been baptized and any students interested in getting baptized are connected to Chad, Heather, or Jimmy.




Senior Last Words 2021