Senior Last Words 2021

  • Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.

  • Last LifeGroup of the semester!

    • This time is just for you and the students. Have fun, Talk, make plans, connect.

  • Here are a few questions that can be fun for you all.

    • If you could make up a new ice cream flavor, what ingredients would you use? What would you call it?

    • Imagine that you could fill a swimming pool with anything and swim in it. What would your pool be filled with?

    • If you could spend your summer vacation with any family from a book or story, who would you pick? What would you do with them?

    • If you got to spend three weeks sailing on a boat this summer, what do you imagine you would do every day?

    • You have a long lost cousin who is coming to spend summer vacation with you! What would you want to show them? How could we make their visit special?

    • If there was a tropical island made just for you, what would you find on it?

    • You’re in charge of planning a camping trip for your family! What do you pack? Where do you go? And who do you invite to come along?

    • If you woke up one day during summer break and saw it was snowing, what is the first thing you would do?

  • Try to make plans to hang at least once as a group over the summer.

  • Remind them we have one last moxie next week.

  • Remind them we have ciy mix and move.

  • Remind them we have the 3rd Annual Moxie Open - Mini Golf Tournament this summer

  • Close by praying as a group.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-We all leave with plans to connect this summer.

-Everyone is aware of everything Moxie the rest of this summer.

-Fun has been had.




Rotten :: The Good Soil