Open :: Treasures
Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.
Take a second and talk about the video of Anise.
What do you think of the story so far?
What do you think will happen next?
How Does Anise’s story connect to what we talked about tonight?
Spend a few minutes having the students list out things/ treasures they chase after?
Ask why they think they chase after them.
Ask if any of the students can name some of the treasures they already have?
Talk about how open or closed they are with those treasures.
Read back through Luke 12:22-34
Ask the students how much they worry about what they have or dont have?
How much time do they spend wanting what others have or afraid they will lose what they have?
Spend some time talking back over the importance of the word where in that verse about treasure.
Ask them to give an honest answer about whether they are Open/Generous/Faithful with the treasures they have or if they are Closed/stingy/unfaithful with what they have.
Call back to the way the King in Anise’s story showed her grace and mercy even when she was a pirate and continued to call her to be a patron.
Talk through how the same is true for us.
Romans 8:16-17 talks about suffering with Christ.
Ask the students when it comes to our treasures how do we “Suffer” with Christ?
The key is sacrifice.
Sometimes it can be so hard to give things up. Ask the students what would be something hard for them to give up?
Ask them if it would be as hard to give up if you knew it would point someone towards Jesus, or bring Glory to God?
Go around the group and have everyone think of a treasure form their life that they could be more open with. Discuss what is an easy next step they can take to be more open with it.
Finish by praying that God would help us all to be more open with our treasures - more patron than pirate. And thank him for Jesus. For the treasures he has given us in our way back to God.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students see the Gospel played out in Anise's story.
-Studnets understand when we close our treasure off just for ouselves we are like the one servant who hid their talent. We are pirates when we should be patrons.
-We all have a simple next step to be more open with at least one of our treasures.
-We cannot live like Jesus until we are open like Jesus..