Open :: Talents

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  • Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.

  • Take a second and talk about the video of Anise.

    • What do you think of the story so far?

    • What do you think will happen next?

    • How Does Anise’s story connect to what we talked about tonight?

  • Ask if any of the students are aware of any talents they have?

    • Have them share and encourage them in those talents.

  • Ask if any of the students have seen other talents in their life group peeps?

    • Have them share and do your best to continually point out we aren’t just talking about sports or music or art etc..

  • Read back through the Matthew 25:35-40

    • Ask ithe students what talents they see in thi9s scripture being used for God’s glory.

    • Spend some time talking back over talents and passions and how they work inside of people.

      • They bring us joy and life,.

      • They were put in us by God.

      • They are there on purpose, for his Glory

  • Have each students share a talent they think God would want them to start using more to bring Glory to him?

    • Now they need a simple step to start being more open with that talent.

  • Have a small discussion on the struggle to find glory for ourselves in our talents.

    • Ask how do we fight against that struggle?

      • Prayer

      • I really easy way is to always Give God praise and Glory anytime you are recognized for one of your talents.

  • Finish by praying that God would help us all to be more open with our talents and willing to use them for his Glory and fame alone.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students are seeing themselves in Anise's story.

-Studnets understand the origin of their talents and their purpose.

-We have all a broader understanding of what a talent is.

-Everyone leaves with a simple step to use one of their talents for the Glory of God.


Open :: Treasures


Open :: Time