Open :: Time
Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.
Take a second and talk about the video of Anise.
What do you think of the story so far?
What do you think will happen next?
How Does Anise’s story connect to what we talked about tonight?
What happens when we feel like we don’t have enough time?
Get flustered, get anxious, get nervous, get stressed, get angry, use up time
When in your life do you feel like you don’t have enough time, and how do you deal with it?
Always have too much homework, Involved in so many things, Always tired and never get enough sleep, etc.
Read back through the account in Luke 8:40-48
Have the students summarize the account to show how even though Jesus was busy he made himself available and open.
Discuss what it means to be available.
Make sure the students understand that:
“How you spend your time is the best example of the way you follow Jesus.”
Ask how they plan to be more open with their time.
If they have trouble coming up with something remind them Jesus always gives us an example. Here is the list from the teaching of how Jesus spent his time:
Telling others about God.
Serving his family and friends.
Laughing and making jokes.
Telling stories.
Sharing meals.
On adventures.
Fighting against the injustice in this world.
Reading the scriptures
Speaking truth
Finish by praying that God would help us all to be more available and open with our time for the kingdom work right in front of us..
Remind them about:
Radiant - March 12-13
The Foundry - March 26-27
Based on your group
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students are becoming more invested in Anise's story.
-We all value our time in a more correct way.
-We have all moved towards being more available to those around us so we can bring Glory to God and love to them.
-Everyone leaves with a simple step to be more available and open with their time.