Open :: Time

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  • Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :) // If someone is clearly under the weather notify Chad, Jimmy, or Heather.

  • Take a second and talk about the video of Anise.

    • What do you think of the story so far?

    • What do you think will happen next?

    • How Does Anise’s story connect to what we talked about tonight?

  • What happens when we feel like we don’t have enough time?

    • Get flustered, get anxious, get nervous, get stressed, get angry, use up time

  • When in your life do you feel like you don’t have enough time, and how do you deal with it?

    • Always have too much homework, Involved in so many things, Always tired and never get enough sleep, etc.

  • Read back through the account in Luke 8:40-48

    • Have the students summarize the account to show how even though Jesus was busy he made himself available and open.

  • Discuss what it means to be available.

  • Make sure the students understand that:

    • “How you spend your time is the best example of the way you follow Jesus.”

  • Ask how they plan to be more open with their time.

    • If they have trouble coming up with something remind them Jesus always gives us an example. Here is the list from the teaching of how Jesus spent his time:

      • praying.

      • Telling others about God.

      • Serving his family and friends.

      • Laughing and making jokes.

      • Telling stories.

      • Sharing meals.

      • On adventures.

      • Fighting against the injustice in this world.

      • Reading the scriptures

      • Meditating

      • Speaking truth

      • Loving

      • Healing

  • Finish by praying that God would help us all to be more available and open with our time for the kingdom work right in front of us..

  • Remind them about:

    • Radiant - March 12-13

    • The Foundry - March 26-27

      • Based on your group

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students are becoming more invested in Anise's story.

-We all value our time in a more correct way.

-We have all moved towards being more available to those around us so we can bring Glory to God and love to them.

-Everyone leaves with a simple step to be more available and open with their time.


Open :: Talents


Open :: Hearts