Zion :: for Eternity
Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :)
We finish out a semester tonight. From Truth, Justice, and sacrifice to the Paradoxes that surround us. to Zion. Everything from our first Moxie night to now has been pointing us towards Zion
Zion is Heaven on Earth and Glory for Eternity
Eternity is a crazy idea. It is forever, it is infinity. It is all the infinities inside infinity. It is like the mobius strip of time. So tonight in life group we are just going to check out some scriptures that point us at eternity.
Have students take some turns reading these. And as you read them take only a few moments to have them talk about what these verses tell us about eternity in light of everything we have explored this Semester.
John 14:1-3
Acts 1:6-7
1 Peter 4:10-11
John 17:4
Philippians 3:19-21
Titus 2:11-15
Finish by asking the students to look back at the semester and share the most memorable thing they learned, or the thing that changed them the most.
Steer them away from answers like “Ga-ga ball” , “Collision”, “Singing” . Have them dig a lil deeper
Remind them next week is the Moxie Tacky Christmas Party and that there is a baptism on the 20th.
If anyone wants to get baptized let Chad, Heather, or Jimmy know so we can connect with them
We will know we have hit our target if:
-We have reitterated some of the learning and life we have had this semester.
-Scripture has been the foundation of this semester.
-Students have taken some concrete steps in their faith / Kingdom Worker cards / repentence.
-Everyone is excied about the Tacky Christmas Party!