Matthew Mauk Matthew Mauk

On Your Own :: Broken Friendships

Some teams experience conflict during their competitions, but a disagreement doesn't mean it's time to give up. This week, we'll hear from Jesus about how we can love and care for others even if we're facing conflict at the moment. Jesus' words and the way he modeled them for us help us see how God can help repair broken friendships.

BIBLE: Luke 6:32–36; Genesis 33:1–11;James 4:1

    • What's your most impressive thrift store find?

    • What are some things that cause the biggest tensions in friendships?

    • How do you feel when Jesus says we should love our enemies?

    • Is there any person that comes to mind that makes that idea seem especially difficult?

    • Who are some people you have seen live out this idea of loving enemies well?

    • Read James 4:1. What are some things we can learn to do to tell the difference between genuine conflict and conflict because, as James says here, we didn't get what we wanted?

    • Is there one friendship you have that may need repair?

    • What's one thing you can do this week to help repair it?

    • What's your most impressive thrift store find?

    • What are some things that cause the biggest tensions in friendships?

    • How do you typically resolve conflict in your friendships?

    • When are the times you feel the most connected to your friends?

    • How do you feel when Jesus says we should love our enemies?

    • Is there any person that comes to mind that makes that idea seem especially difficult?

    • Who are some people you have seen live out this idea of loving enemies well?

    • What are some of the things that might keep you from loving enemies?

    • Read James 4:1. What are some things we can learn to do to tell the difference between genuine conflict and conflict because, as James says here, we didn't get what we wanted?

    • Who are wise people you could go to to help you talk through friendship conflicts?

    • Is there one friendship you have that may need repair?

    • What's one thing you can do this week to help repair it?

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