Matthew Mauk Matthew Mauk

On Your Own :: God Helps

Some game shows need contestants to decide which objects are real and which are made of cake, but

it's not as easy as we think. This week, we'll hear from Paul about some qualities we can look for—and

develop for ourselves—when looking for quality friendships. His words remind us how God can help us

choose our friends wisely.

BIBLE: Romans 12:9–12; Psalm 1:1–6; Proverbs 4:23

    • Who is the first friend you remember making?

    • What is a characteristic that shows up in a lot of different friendships you have?

    • How could you put into practice the things Paul mentioned in your friendships?

    • What are some ways you can "honor one another above yourselves" in your friendships?

    • Read Proverbs 4:23. How could this verse help you wisely choose friends and who you let into your life to influence you?

    • What is one way you allow God to help you choose your friends this week?

    • Who is the first friend you remember making?

    • What is a characteristic that shows up in a lot of different friendships you have?

    • Have you ever made a quick judgment about a friend (good or bad) that was wrong once you got to know them?

    • Have you ever felt like you had to change to have a certain friend or fit in a friend group? What happened?

    • How could you put into practice the things Paul mentioned in your friendships?

    • What are some examples of what a sincere friendship might look like?

    • What are some ways you can "honor one another above yourselves" in your friendships?

    • How can you determine when to be "devoted" to a friend and when a boundary that creates some distance needs to be put up?

    • Read Proverbs 4:23. How could this verse help you wisely choose friends and who you let into your life to influence you?

    • What is one way you allow God to help you choose your friends this week?

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