Matthew Mauk Matthew Mauk

Senior Last Words :: 2024

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

Remind them about MOXIE MEGA GAME NIGHT


As we finish out this year the seniors shared things they have learned they thought might help you. Part of that process is taking stock of your story. They each spent some time thinking through the last 7 years of their life.

We are gonna do something similar. It has been an amazing year in Moxie! And we wanna take some time and take stock of this year. What have we learned? What made us laugh?What will we always remember?


This was the Moxie year of the Honeybadgers! We pursued being intentional with how we put ourselves out there in the places we live, work, and play. As the sun sets on this year of Moxie let’s take a look back at everything we have experienced! Like a clip show in the story of Moxie.

Take Stock:

Below you will find a brief description and reminder for each of the series and events we had over this school year. The only thing missing are the F.U.N. nights and the OUT THERE nights.

Use it as a guide and just enjoy one another’s company. Remember what stood out, and dream about the future(Even asking about summer plans :) ).

We started the year with a series called “The Throne Room”

Eternity is here. What are you waiting for? The choices you make today will lead you one way or another—but when you trust in the power of the God who rules eternity you'll find yourself in the Throne Room. We wanna explore the truths that prepare us for the eternity that has already begun.

Week1: Power - We find our power when we are more concerned with our why than our what.

Week 2: Trust - Trust God to make you who he wants you to be. He is always preparing you for what is next. But you must be patient and humble.

Week 3: Now - What are you waiting for? Who told you Heaven was to come? We are Heaven on Earth. What must you do now in the presence of the most high on his throne?

Week 4: Herald - A worship experience for the whole church

Our second series was “Crags and Clay”

In the beginning God was there. At the Genesis of all existence he set into motion all of everything. Including you. He has you here and now for a purpose that has never changed since the Garden. And it won’t change at the end of the age. From Crags of Clay God created.

Week 1: Rebellion - Even when we rebel God chooses Grace.

Week 2: Redemption - Even in the Garden our redemption was written.

Week 3: Restoration - He has been a God of restoration always. His Glory demands all the beauty this reality can muster. And that includes the beauty of his creation brought back into righteousness with him.

Week 4: Reverence - A worship night devoted to the telling of the biblical account of the Gospel starting at the beginning.

Our last series of first semester was called “Love is War”

There is a battle waging in the spiritual realm. Whether you like it or not everyone fights the same war. So how do we become the freedom fighters we are called to be instead of slaves to our enemies.

Week 1: Give - Your hands should always be open to give what God has given you.

Week 2: Trust - Until you trust the God who gave you everything in the first place you’ll always wonder if your idea was better.

Week 3: Grow - The battles we fight for the most High God don’t get easier. The moment you think you are battle hardened and ready for anything is the moment you find out you got too comfortable.

Week 4: Serve - How are you actually pushing back the darkness in your home, at Moxie, in school.

For the guys we had Foundry first semester.

They looked at the story of Crazy 8’s the runaway train that had a lot to teach us about Diligence.

They learned a few important things when it comes to diligence:

  1. Diligence requires dependence own God

  2. Work Smarter not Harder

  3. Consistency, Consistency, Consistency

    1. Master your morning and evening.

    2. Focus in the 3 most important things

    3. Rest

First series of this semester was “Build your kingdom here”

We want to be the kind for people who God Builds his Kingdom on. But it is so easy to end up having a different Kingdom built on you. Our friends are a huge part of how we grow and learn. We want to explore some biblical accounts of friendship. Who your friends are often determines how your future goes. If we want lives filled with Kingdom work what kind of friends do we need?

Week 1: Job - The importance of availability

Week 2: David and Jonathan - Friends should be willing to sacrifice for each other

Week 3: Paul and Timothy - Friends should be helping one another be better.

Then we had a series called “Deliverer”

School. Work. Family. Friends. Joy. Pain. Suffering. Contentment. Happiness. Me. You. God. The Past. The Present. The Future. Every single thing, every single moment of our lives we are met with an overwhelming amount of pressure, anxiety, and expectation. Everyone finds themselves in the bondage of an unhealthy mental state sometimes. But there is hope because God is our deliverer. We can find mental and emotional well being in him. Let's find out how.

Week 1: Surrender - Control is a drug that keeps us tired and dependent. But we can break the cycle with surrender instead of control.

Week 2: Purpose - Everybody wants to be liked. Everyone wants to be cool. But our world and our culture have created unrealistic expectations. We want be people who chose purpose over popularity.

Week 3: Choice - How do we choose wisely? How do we make sure our choices are always moving us towards what we want most?

For our young women we had Radiant Weekend:

They spent the weekend exploring what it means to be radiant.

Using Psalm 34:5 to define it they asked a simple question:

What does it look like to be radiant in our daily lives.

Hebrews 12 taught them you do it with:




And to stop striving so hard

The next series was “Fullness”

There is a full life available. It is a life filled with the sweetest fruit imaginable. Instead of asking how do I get that life, let's explore how do I make that fruit?

Week 1: The Produce - Every plant produces it’s fruit based on what goes in to making it. What kind of water, what kind of soil, what kind of light do we fill our lives with? The fruit you produce will tell you.

Week 2: The Water - Whats nourishing your soul? You’ll never get the fruit you need without the water you require.

Week 3: The Fruit - The fruits of the spirit are not a checklist. They are an inventory of the life you live, and they are the way to the fullness God promises.

We finished up our last series of the semester last week. It was called “Set A Fire”

Everyone’s life is better with Jesus. Did you know that? And he doesn’t need your help to bring them into his family. All he is asking you to do is tell others what he did for you. But that is scary. This series we want to give you the fuel and the spark you need to set a fire in your soul for sharing Jesus life changing impact iwith others.

Week 1: Know Your Story - How do I tell people about Jesus in my life without being a straight up weirdo? Actually it is super simple. First step - Know your story.

Week 2: Tell Your Story - How do I tell people about Jesus in my life? Second step - Tell your story.

Finish your time out praying over the coming summer.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students walk away with a renewed focus on what htey have learned over this year.

-Students leave with new focus and drive to be something different than they are right now next year.

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