Matthew Mauk Matthew Mauk

Set A Fire :: Share Your Story

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

Remind them about MOXIE MEGA GAME NIGHT

Share your Story

Begin by briefly summarizing the importance of knowing and sharing one's personal story.

Encourage thestudents to reflect on how they can apply these principles in their own lives.


  • Know Your Story:

    • Share a significant moment or experience from your life that has shaped who you are today.

    • How does knowing and understanding your own story impact your identity and sense of purpose?

  • Share Your Story:

    • Do you find it easy or challenging to talk about your faith or personal experiences with others? Why?

    • What are some ways you can share your story with friends, family, or classmates in a natural and authentic manner?

  • Biblical Stories:

    • Discuss the stories of the demon-possessed man in Mark 5 and Stephen in Acts 7.

      • How did these individuals' encounters with Jesus shape their willingness to share their stories with others?

      • What similarities or differences do you see between their experiences and your own journey of faith?

  • The Power of Stories:

    • Why do you think stories are such powerful tools for communication and connection?

    • Share a story (it can be from a book, movie, personal experience, etc.) that has had a significant impact on your life and explain why it resonated with you.

  • Challenges and Opportunities:

    • What are some potential obstacles or fears you might face when sharing your faith or personal story with others?

    • How can you overcome these challenges and seize opportunities to share God's love and grace with those around you?

Next Steps:

  • Take a few moments for eachstudent to identify one specific person or situation in their life where they feel called to share their story or demonstrate God's love.

  • Help them to set a practical goal or action step for how they will take this opportunity to share their faith in the coming week.

Finish out by praying

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students understand the power of telling their story not only for their life but for the lives of those around them.

-Students leave with a person from their life and a plan to share their story with that person.

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