This is The End :: The Lamb

  • Use the lead app to check in students and make sure any students not listed fill out a connect card digitally.

  • Do not move on until check-in has happened and any students not listed have filled out a connect card.

  • Remind them they can ask us anything by texting AMA to 678-798-8338 or by dropping a card in the lobby AMA Box.

  • Use the three questions we answered to reiterate the truth of the Lamb of God:

    • Who is the Lamb?

      • It is Jesus.

    • Why is the Lamb Worthy?

      • Because he is perfect, righteous and sinless.

      • Because he is eternal.

      • Because his sacrifice for our atonement is eternal.

    • What is on the scroll?

      • The promises of God unfolding.

      • The end - That is everything that must come to pass for the new Heaven and the New Earth.

      • The completion of our access to an eternity in the presence of God.

  • Ask the students what they think stops them from living everyday preparing for eternity?

    • What are some small steps they could take to live that way starting tomorrow?

  • Hebrews 10:

    • Paul is writing to the church in Corinth. This whole chapter is about the truth of Revelation playing out in the lives of those who follow Jesus.

    • Have a student read Hebrews 10: 1-4

      • Explain that Paul is pointing out why sacrificing lambs like they did before Jesus didn't have the power to atone for a persons sin for good.

    • Have a student read Hebrews 10: 5-14

      • Explain that Paul is saying even from Jesus’ own mouth he has proclaimed the end of the first way, the law. And the beginning of his way, his sacrifice atoning for his people forever.

    • Have a student read Hebrews 10: 15-18

      • Explain That once Jesus atoned for our sins. Once any person hands their life over so that Jesus is Lord of their life - they receive the Holy Spirit and it has the ability to write God’s guidelines and truths into our hearts making it so as we grow in relationship with Jesus we are changed. And because of this what Jesus did means we don’t ever have to pay our debt.

    • Have a student read Hebrews 10: 19-25

      • Explain since all of these things are true and we can then know that we will spend eternity with God we are called to do a few things.

        • Verse 23. We have to step into telling others about how Jesus is changing our lives.

        • Verse 24. We have to be “on purpose” with our time together. Loving, serving, and growing one another in our faith as a small group.

        • Verse 25. We have to make meeting together as a Moxie family and in your larger church families a priority. We have to value it.

  • Next Step

    • Have each student come up with a name of someone in their life who needs to hear about Jesus. - Their next step could be as simple as inviting them to Moxie.

    • Have each student come up with one way they could be serving the small group.

    • As a group pray that you all would continue to allow Jesus to write the value of Moxie and church on your hearts. That you would value it properly in light of an eternity spent elbow to elbow in the presence fo God.

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students and leaders leave with a person on their minds who needs to hear the Gospel.

-Students and leaders see the through line of the Lamb from Abraham to the throne room in Revelation.

-Students and leaders see the value in small groups and large group time in light of the Revelation.

-Everyone that is here is either already listed in your group or has filled out a connect card before leaving.


This is The End :: The Judge


This is The End :: The End Times