The right words from a coach can inspire us to finish the game strong and overcome any obstacle in our

way. This week, we'll hear from James as he helped inspire his church to think differently about the words

they say to each other. James wanted to make sure everyone knew the power of their words and how

wise people's words show God's love.

BIBLE: James 3:13–4:3; Ephesians 4:29–5:2; Matthew 12:34

  • What's your favorite sports drink?

    What makes kind words so impactful?

    What makes unkind words so hurtful?

    If you could think of one word to describe a wise person you know, what would it be?

    Thinking about the adjectives Paul uses in Ephesians, what are some common qualities the wise people in your life all have?

    Why do you think we tend to tear others down with our words when we feel down ourselves?

    Read Matthew 12:34. How have you seen it be true that words reflect what's already in someone's heart?

    What are some things you can do to make sure what's going on in your heart is worth coming out in your words?

    Today, what's one change you can make to be someone whose words show God's love?

  • What's your favorite sports drink?

    What do you think keeps us from offering encouragement to others?

    What makes kind words so impactful?

    What makes unkind words so hurtful?

    What do you think of the way James says that wisdom and humility are connected?

    How does this challenge the way you follow Jesus?

    If you could think of one word to describe a wise person you know, what would it be?

    Thinking about the adjectives Paul uses in Ephesians, what are some common qualities the wise people in your life all have?

    Why do you think we tend to tear others down with our words when we feel down ourselves?

    When you notice envy or the temptation to tear others down come up, what is something you can do to try and change course and use your words to build up instead?

    In a moment where you used your words to tear someone down, how did you feel immediately after?

    What about when you encouraged someone?

    Read Matthew 12:34. How have you seen it be true that words reflect what's already in someone's heart?

    What are some things you can do to make sure what's going on in your heart is worth coming out in your words?

    Today, what's one change you can make to be someone whose words show God's love?


Christmas Reminds us God is with us.
