We have to make so many daily decisions, and without someone to coach and guide us, it's easy to feel

overwhelmed. This week, we'll look at the start of Solomon's reign as king when he prepared to make

decisions on behalf of the people he served. He chose to learn from God and trust God to coach him as

he led the nation, reminding us how wise people practice what God has said.

BIBLE: 2 Chronicles 1:7–13; James 1:22–25; Proverbs 1:7

  • Have any of you had a great coach in your life? What makes a great coach?

    What would you say is the difference between being "smart" and being "wise"?

    If God told you to ask for whatever you wanted, what would you ask for?

    What keeps you from doing the wise thing, even when you know that it's the best thing to do?

    Read Proverbs 1:7. In this passage, "fear" is another way of saying "awe" or "respect." In other words, it is characteristic of someone who lives out Godly wisdom.

    What are some other characteristics you have seen in people who have wisdom and live it out?

    What would it look like for you to apply one of those to your life?

    What is one thing you can start doing this week to "practice" doing what God says?

  • Have any of you had a great coach in your life? What makes a great coach?

    How would you define "wisdom"?

    Who is someone you know personally or know of that you would consider wise?

    What would you say is the difference between being "smart" and being "wise"?

    If God told you to ask for whatever you wanted, what would you ask for?

    What keeps you from doing the wise thing, even when you know it's what's best for you?

    What does it look like to connect having wisdom to actually acting wisely?

    Read Proverbs 1:7. In this passage, "fear" is another way of saying "awe" or "respect." In other words, it is characteristic of someone who lives out Godly wisdom.

    What are some other characteristics you have seen in people who have wisdom and live it out? What would it look like for you to apply one of those to your life?

    How is saying "wise people practice what God has said" different from wise people doing what God has said?

    What steps could you take before the actual action that would help set you up to do what's wise?

    What is one thing you can start doing this week to "practice" doing what God says?


Good Call :: WISE PEOPLE share what god has given them


Unafraid :: God can turn worry into trust.