Unafraid :: God can turn worry into trust.
As you climb towards a roller coaster's big drop, the view from the top can fill you with feelings of worry
and fear. This week, we'll hear the words Jesus spoke to a group of people filled with worry about their
lives, their futures, and more. Jesus comforted the people around him by telling them
God can turn worry into trust.
BIBLE: Matthew 11:28–30; Psalm 91:9–15; 1 Peter 5:7
What's something you were terrified to do but eventually overcame the fear and did it?
Have you ever been afraid of doing something and wouldn't do it until someone did it with you? How did
knowing you weren't alone help when you were afraid or worried?
How would you describe the difference between Jesus taking troubles away completely and Jesus helping us
carry the things that worry us?
If you were going to teach someone to give their worries to Jesus, what steps would you tell them to take?
What would it look like for you to take your own advice?
Read 1 Peter 5:7. Does knowing that God asks us to trust him because he cares for us change your perception
of God? How so? Do you see being asked to trust as a command or a way God demonstrates love for us?
Today, what step can you take to help you believe God can turn worry into trust?
As a group, come up with a phrase or a Bible verse you can memorize to help recenter your mind on trust over worry and encourage each other with it this week.
What's something you were terrified to do but eventually overcame the fear and did it?
Have you ever been afraid of doing something and wouldn't do it until someone did it with you? How did
knowing you weren't alone help when you were afraid or worried?
What physical symptoms do you experience as a result of worry? What are the signs indicating that worry is
beginning to take over?
What is the difference between real concerns and unnecessary stress over something we can't control? How
can we distinguish between those two things in our own lives?
How would you describe the difference between Jesus taking troubles away completely and Jesus helping us
carry the things that worry us?
How have you experienced God being a refuge when dealing with worry?
If you were going to teach someone to give their worries to Jesus, what steps would you tell them to take?
What would it look like for you to take your own advice?
Read 1 Peter 5:7. Does knowing that God asks us to trust him because he cares for us change your perception
of God? How so? Do you see being asked to trust as a command or a way God demonstrates love for us?
Who is a person you can go to when it feels like your worry is becoming more powerful than your trust in
Today, what step can you take to help you believe God can turn worry into trust?
As a group, come up with a phrase or a Bible verse you can memorize to help recenter your mind on trust over worry and encourage each other with it this week.