Have No Fear

  • (FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together in Large group and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability:  This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week.

  • It is a weird wild season so don’t just be flexible. Be fluid. If your students want to go somewhere particular with the conversation and you see opportunity to build true relational equity the follow them. Let’s give them a chance to steer the ship a little if they want. As long as it does not make LG an unsafe space then, by all means, connect with them about what they are thinking about.

  • Have no Fear:

    • Ask the students “In one sentence tell us about your worst childhood fear. The thing you were afraid of most as a little kid.”

      • What is a completely nonscary thing you used to be afraid of? Leaders share also.

      • What made you stop being afraid of those nonscary things?

    • Have someone read John 14:27

      • Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

      • This was Jesus talking to his friends at the dinner they shared before he was arrested and executed.

      • Why do you think Jesus was telling them this?

      • What do you need peace from Jesus about in life right now?

    • In Psalm 46 there is a section that gives some very imaginary fear vibes

      • 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.2Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,3though its waters roar and foam,though the mountains tremble at its swelling.

      • Those are the kind of big imaginary fears we can find ourselves listening to when we do something new and creative.

      • The truth is we can listen to the very present God instead. We can find strength and refuge.

      • Ask the students what is the very first step you are going to take to make sure you are listening to God instead of your fears?

    • Celebrate creativity in their lives.

      • Celebrate how you as leaders are creative as well.

    • Ask them to share what they wrote on their post it. And if you could please make a short note of their name and what they say and send it our way.

  • Take some time to catch up with one another.

  • Finish with Prayer

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students have their one creative thing posted on their door.

-Students are informed about CIY MIX and MOVE registration.

-Students understand the importance of doing what they were made for a little better.

-We let the students know they can reach out to us for anything, and we will do our best to help.


Truth :: Truth


Creat :: Created