Out There :: September 2021
Tonight is a little different. Our hope is to live out lives as abundantly full as Jesus’ was. And he spent a lot of time serving and loving others.
So tonight we are going ot be “Out There”. Meaning working on specific projects that affect the community outside our walls.
Here is the Schedule:
7:10 - A few Fun Game
7:25 - Reggie will talk a little about being Out There as well as the bags we are packing
7:30 - We will watch a short video about the Kingdom Worker rings that were a part of CIY MIX this past summer and Middle School will head to life groups to talk about those rings.
Check in with any students who attended and have those rings and make the challenge to those who were not there to step into that Kingdom Work. We will have one set up those rings available for each middle school life group. Make sure if someone takes them they intend on genuinely taking on the challenge and that they understand we will be coming along side them to help them any way we can, including checking in on them.
Make sure for anyone and everyone who was there and has taken the challenge some time is spent really talking as a group about how they can step into that challenge. This is a great way to show young people how we as followers build each other up.
Also at 7:30 the High school groups will be in the main space creating 30 of those bags we need packed for Dream Center.
8:00 - We will watch a short video about Kindgom Worker cards that were a part of CIY MOVE this past summer. At which time the High schoolers will head to life group to talk through anyone and everyone who was there in their groups who stepped into that challenge.
Discuss how you as groups can come along side those people like family and help them hit their target when it comes to those cards. We will also have a few extra Kingdom Worker cards should anyone who wasn’t able to come would like to take the challenge.
Make sure for anyone and everyone who was there and has taken the challenge some time is spent really talking as a group about how they can step into that challenge. This is a great way to show young people how we as followers build each other up.
Also at 8:00 the middle school groups will be in the main space creating 30 of those bags we need packed for Dream Center.
Once that is finished we are finished. And remember be flexible and fluid when it comes to new night like this :)
Below is the info you’ll need for the Dream Center Bags:
Introduce yourself
Reference 1 John 4:11
John teaches us that those of us who follow Jesus love others because Jesus loves us.
11Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we should also love one another.
Let them know we have put these bags together because we love them even though we haven’t met them. And that is because Jesus loved us.
Take a second to tell them what your life was like before you knew Jesus
How you met Jesus
And what your life is like now.
Tell them you hope they know Jesus too.
PreK (20):
Pencil Bag
Big crayons
Glue sticks
Blunt kids scissors
Fat pencils (1 each - go in pencil bag)
Pencils (5 each - go in pencil bag)
PK workbooks
All of it goes into drawstring bag with one of each moxie sticker and the handwritten card.
Older kids(40):
Pencil Bag
Paper (spiral bound)
Graph paper in folder (20 sheets)
Pencils (5 Each - go in pencil bag)
Thin markers (1 pack)
Pencil sharpener (go in pencil bag)
Glue sticks
Highlighters (1 of each color goes in the pencil bag / 4 total)
Index cards
Colored pencils
Pink erasers (in pencil bag)
Scissors (in pencil bag)
All of it goes into drawstring bag with one of each moxie sticker and the handwritten card.
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Every student who is here tonight participates in Kingdom work in both small group and large group.
-Everyone understands what we mean when we say Kingdom Work.
-The groups genuinely come around one another and the challenges they are taking on as Kingdom Workers.
-The cards are legible that we have written to the kids recieving the Dreasm Center Bags.