Paradox :: Maybe it is Both
Clean hands and cover their mouths when they cough. :)
Imperium in Imperio(Last Week)
Ask the students how their ship of Theseus did last week.
Maybe it is Both
As we close the series out make sure the students understand these three things this week:
Our Perspective has a lot of power over us.
Our Relationship with Jesus and our proximity to him is how we broaden our perspective.
When we find something to big to understand about our God we should start with an understanding that our perspective is small and maybe it is both instead of either or.
Now this idea does not take anything away from God’s unchanging person or truth. It merely points out to us that when our little brains cannot figure it out we are the weak link :)
Considering “Maybe it is Both”
Ask if anyone is willing to share their note from large group.
If they do you guys as a group work through how they could work through that thing considering what we learned.
Leaders feel free to use one to get going. And you can do a few if it is gong well.
Sometimes when we don’t understand God it can be really hard. But there are a few easy things we can do as followers:
Consider the source: Read Revelation 22:13
What does this have to do with anything?
Trust him: Read Proverbs3:5
What is a simple way you can start trusting the Lord more?
God will lead you: Read Genesis 12:1
When you don’t understand what God may be asking you to do what should you do? What Abraham Did
Read Hebrews 11:8
Talk about how this relates to our series
Be obedient: Read 1 Samuel 15:22
Explore the act of trusting even when you don’t know everything.
Ask them to come up with one small way they can broaden their perspective this coming week.
Check in with them about how life is going.
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students leave feeling more prepared for the uncertainty of growing in their faith.
-Students have a few more tools in their toolbox to understand the power of relationship and scripture when it comes to following Jesus.
-We have spent quality time building relational equity in Life Group.