Worth Ship :: Now Here


  • You should have a roster for the students in your life group. See who is missing from the list and get them to fill out a digital connect card. (After Life group grab them a moxie magnet from the bucket in the lobby as a small gift)

  • (FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together in large group and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability: This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week.

    • Last week we learned about being awake, being present. Talk about how that went from last week.

  • This week we started our two week series called Worth Ship. We studied the account of Jesus and the woman at the well. We also saw how Paul gave us some basic instruction on worship as a Christ follower.

  • Ask the students :

    • Whether they agreed with the idea that worship is not a where but a when and why. Talk about why they agree or disagree.

    • What usually keeps them from worshipping throughout the day.

    • How they feel when they think about Jesus being everywhere all the time with us.

  • We studied Ephesians 5 where Paul taught us some basic forms of worship

    • Address one another: Take a moment in your group to address one another on purpose. Have each person Share their middle name if they feel comfortable and also have them share something cool about themselves. Make sure you celebrate the cool they share.

    • Sing to the Lord: Have everyone share their current favorite worship song. And share the song they could do without.

      • Share a conversation talking about why they liked those songs and why they are tired of others.

      • Use this opportunity to discuss the value of really being awake to the lyrics you are singing

    • Give thanks for everything: Have everyone share something they are thankful for. Leaders you start as an example. Then pray after this thanking God.

  • We also want to start unfolding how worship can be something we do everywhere always.

    • Work with the students to identify the things they do in their daily lives and how they might make those things worship for the Lord.

      • This will require some problem solving and wisdom but here are a few examples to get the juices flowing

        • Instead of playing video games only for my own gratification I can play video games and make sure I have the attitude and language of a Christ follower with those I am playing online with because I Value Jesus so much I want to use that as a way to point people to Jesus while having fun.

        • Instead of just listening to music I like and I vibe to I will start spending some intentional time in my music selection seeking out music that I vibe to but that also points me towards glorifying Jesus in song

        • Instead of just sitting with my friends at lunch I am going to intentionally reach out to the new kid and make them feel welcome by bringing them into my group at lunch because Jesus welcomed me into his fam.

  • As a group read the account of Jesus and the woman at the well.

    • John 4:5-26

      • Share the reading with different students.

      • At verse 10 discuss what Gift Jesus was speaking of.

      • Attention verse 20 discuss the places they usually think of when they think about worship.

      • Stop in verse 22 and discuss what Jesus means by “We worship what we know”

      • After verse 26 ask the students what they will do now in the next week to step into worshipping as a when and a why instead of a where.

  • Remind them of The Foundry and Radiant and ask them if they have registered yet. Encourage them to.

  • Finish with Prayer

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students grasp that Jesus is now here, everywhere always. Availabel to be worshipped at all times.

-Students start to grasp that everything we do can be worship for the Lord when he is our ultimate value.

-We have all students not currently in our databse fill out a connect card.

-Students are aware of The Foundry, and Radiant


Worth Ship :: Spirit and Truth


Pins and Needles