Pins and Needles
We are back at it and full bore this semester! So let's get it!
First things first make sure any new students you have you take a few minutes and have them fill out a digital connect card from the momentum app either on their device or on yours. Genuinely handing them your device to fill it out is an act of trust and service :)
Next, take a moment to go over life group expectations. Each group bucket will contain a copy for the duration of the semester. Go over it with them ask them if they understand to make sure they are listening.
(FOR LEADERS) We use a three-part system for life groups. Pastoral Care: Relationship mingled with serving them. Learning Together: this is how we take the knowledge we learn together in large group and turn it into wisdom. Using scripture and one another. Accountability: This isn’t old school accountability type stuff. This is real life stuff. Finding out how they genuinely fared over the last week. What are their wins and failures in growing up in their faith based on what we are studying and what is going on in their lives? And finding out what we can do to help. Each of these will show up weekly in some way.
This week we learned about Paresthesia, pin s and needles and what it means to genuinely be awake in Christ.
Ask the students :
What caught your attention in the teaching? What hit you the hardest or was confusing?
Ask them if anyone has any funny stories about their limbs falling asleep?
We studied Ephesians 5 - Go back and read 1-17 together (have students read if possible)
Take a moment to explain how they can find where to go quickly in a bible and how you usually read.
Ask what about the first half of that passage that seems the most at odds with the way the world works right now? - Follow the rabbit trail here if it is valuable.
Ask and clarify what Paul means in verse 7 when he says “Let no one deceive you with empty words”
In the large group tie each of the students had an opportunity to write a word on their hand:
Ask the students if anyone would like to share what they wrote? As leaders, you can speak first if need be explaining your word. Extend the olive branch of trust first if they aren’t opening up.
This isn’t a thing where everyone has to share but it has the potential to start some great semester-long conversations.
If you have good dialog keep genuine track of what they share so you can circle back to it as the weeks go by.
Ask the students how we might / they might help one another to wake up?
Remind them of The Foundry and Radiant and ask them if they gave their schedule from last week to their parents? And ask if they need a new one?
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students are aware of The Foundry, and Radiant
-We connect with them on a relational level and they leave knowing we know more about them than when the night started.
-They leave with a simple next step to move towards being awake based on their current life
-Everyone understands the Life Group Expectations