Only :: Jesus

  • First things first ask about their week so far and what stuck with them from last week’s Only Scripture message.

  • Ask the students :

    • What caught your attention in the teaching?

  • If you have been in the church for any amount of time, you’ve heard the name Jesus.

    • If we believe that scripture alone is true, then it is clear to tell us about who He is. Who does the bible say he is?

    • Do you believe that He is who the Bible says He is?

  • What is something that keeps you from fully following Jesus and being an fruitful disciple for Him?

    • Read 2 Timothy 4:3

    • What do you think it means when it comes to listening to sound teaching?

  • The best way to share your faith is with someone you have relationship with.

    • Read 1 Peter 3:15

    • How do you think that having relationship with someone helps to share your faith with gentleness and respect?

  • If you believe that Jesus alone is the way to eternal life, what is something that is keeping you from sharing that hope you have with those around you?

    • If you are showing the love of Jesus, there will be something different about you that will make people want to know what it is.

    • For many of us it’s fear of rejection or feeling “not cool” to our friends but remember the stakes are too high to not give them the same hope that you have in you.

  • Ask the students to: Think of one way this week that you can share the hope that you have in Jesus with someone around you and share them with one another.

  • Finish with Prayer

We will know we have hit our target if:

-Students spend some time actively in the Bible.

-We explore the idea of only Jesus with our groups in a way that makes it applicable to their current contexts.

-They leave with a tangible way to share that Jesus is the only way to God with those around them.

-They get hype about Thanksgiving-X


Thanksgiving - X


Only :: Scripture