Seven Deadly Sins :: Envy
First things first ask about their previous week and how they did with their next step in fighting pride.
Secondly you will have a list of all the students who have registered in your group so far. Make sure you have any student there who haven’t filled out a connect card(that is anyone not on your sheet) fill it out so we can make sure and get an accurate list of groups this semester.(This can be found in the momentum app or by texting moxie to 555888)
Ask them what other stories in the bible they can think of about envy - find it in scripture and read it as a group and talk about it (google is your friend)
Here is a short list if you need help:
Cain and Abel
David and Bathsheba
Jacob and Esau
We learned about envy tonight and how when we envy we are saying to “God you owe me”
Ask them about times where envy creeps up in their lives
Talk about what they are saying God owes them
Finish life group out by revisiting our 3 steps from the message
Be grateful in worship
Be grateful in the things God has you doing
Be grateful for others
What can each of them do to step into one of these this coming week? (Leaders make a list you can follow up with)
Finish with Prayer
We will know we have hit our target if:
-Students know you have spent time praying and thinking about them this past week
-Students leave with a simple next step for this coming week to cure envy
-And if they have succesfully navigated their bible