Proclaim :: Using your voice
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Ask the students how the last week has been as they stepped into proclaiming what Jesus has done in their lives.
We spent some time talking about ways some of our students have proclaimed the gospel in their lives.
Leaders: Lets start by just discussing the panel we had with the students.
What part of the panel stuck with you the most?
Read Isaiah 12: Have each student read one verse going in a circle
Have each student say the verse they read in their own words (this helps make sure they understand what they are reading.
This is one of the prophets form the Old Testament before Jesus had come. .
Leaders:Make sure the truth of these verses makes sense in their context:
V1. Even though I am a sinner, as a Follower of Jesus God’s anger is turned away and he comforts us.
v2. This is the story of Jesus. It is the Gospel - The truth - of all Christ followers.
V3. Joy showed up last week and we see here the well it comes from is salvation
v4. In that Joy we cannot help but proclaim who Jesus is and what he has done to those around us.
v5 & 6. The response of all those who are part of God’s family through Jesus. We are the ones who inhabit Zion and God deserves all the praise.
What does this Chapter tell us about God?
What does this chapter tell us about ourselves?
Each of us has so many ways to proclaim the Gospel. And those proclamations have eternal impact on Heaven.
Read Luke 12:8
Leaders: This is a great space to start conversations about real world ways to proclaim the gospel in their lives. Not examples that could exist but instead things they can do for real. A call to action:
What is one simple way we can start proclaiming
the Gospel in our lives?
Leaders: Spend some time talking about the challenge for the Moxie Summer Night. And finish out the life group time by praying that God would give us wisdom and courage on how we can serve his kingdom in that challenge and who we could invite. Talk about giving with them.