Proclaim :: God gave you a voice for a purpose.

  • Find out who is going to Mix or Move. Let the students know it is a great week to spend with a friend. Start them thinking about how and who they could invite from their friend groups. Remind them the cutoff date is April 22nd

  • Ask the students how well they ran their race this past week.


We spent some time exploring what it means to use our voices to proclaim the Gospel. To carry our God’s will

Leaders: Lets start by just asking the students about any time in their lives where the knew they should speak up and they didn’t. If you have a story about food in the teeth or a “foreign object” i the nose this could be a great space to connect with the students.

What stood out to you the most about 1 John 1 tonight?

Read 1 John 1: Have each student read one verse going in a circle

Have each student say the verse they read in their own words (this helps make sure they understand what they are reading.

Here John is calling followers to proclaim the Gospel. To tell the truth about who Jesus is. And he points out that those who do this they are destined for a life of eternal joy and fellowship.

Leaders:Really dive into the meaning of fellowship - community - family here. This is a great space to cast vision about the importance of life group and wednesdays. That God blesses us to do life together:

How can we work together in our family here to
proclaim the Gospel to one another?

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10

When we as followers of Jesus proclaim the blessing he is on our lives, when we highlight how he has pulled out out of darkness we live the life of the royal family we are a part of.

Leaders: This can be a lofty concept for students to grasp so spend some time making it contextually relevant for them:

What is one simple way we can start proclaiming
how Jesus affects or lives to those around us?

What is the biggest reason you are afraid to proclaim Jesus to your friends, family, or teammates?

Leaders: Spend some time talking about the challenge for the Moxie Summer Night. And finish out the life group timeby praying that God would give us wisdom and courage on how we can serve his kingdom in that challenge and who we could invite.

If you have extra time enjoy it Ask them how their week is going, check back in with them about things they have talked about before, etc.


Proclaim :: Using your voice


Y U NO. 2