Equipped - God gives us resolve so that we will make him famous.
Tonight you will need to go over the Lifegroup Expectations.
Here is a link to the digital version. There is also paper copies in the lifegroup buckets.
Check in with the students and make sure they understand our expectations so that you have an anchor to call back to in the future.
Lifegroup time after that is pretty simple.
Spend a few minutes getting to know the students in your group. A great framework is the targets outlined in the leader handbook.
Have someone play the video below on their phone
Once the video is played have an open discussion about the ways in which he and his friends made God famous.
Examples: T-shirts that start conversations; A bible school in another country, a bike ride fundraiser that involved local business, etc.
Then finish with asking the students what is one way they might be able to make God famous this coming week.
Keep track as a leader of what they say so you can check back in with them next week.