Summer Internship 2022

June 12th - August 1st

Our Summer internship is designed to help you move towards a clear vision of the personal purpose God has created you for, to gain clarity in our value system, and give you intelligent next steps for your journey.

If you are interested in joining our summer intern program you can fill out an application here:

We accomplish this using four major vehicles of growth:

Proficiency in ministry area - Whatever ministry area you choose this program should give you a comprehensive view of how it happens from planning to execution. Why we do what we do and how we do it.

Personal Exploration - Regardless of where you are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally this program should give you tools to help you discover why you were created and how you can step into the gifting the Lord created you with.

Leadership Development - Being a leader on some level is a part of every persons life. You may lead an entire division at your company or you may lead your family or a friend. No matter what as a Christ follower you lead. This program will help you become a better leader but it’s ultimate hope is that you would become a leader who makes leaders. The way in which the Lord brings about Heaven on earth is through his church and if we are diligent in creating high level leaders who create leaders then our discipleship will be exponential.

Fundamental discipleship - As we venture into the program our hope would be to grow in our fundamental understanding of who God is and who he says we are. Exploring the unchanging truths of the creator of the universe. And how we should respond.

Our Schedule can be dynamic but in general:

Tuesdays 9AM - 1PM:
Momentum Specific Ministry development meetings. Whole Church Intensives

Wednesdays 11AM - 3PM:(Schedule change depending on intern focus)
Specific ministry apprenticeship, development, and leadership experience

Thursdays 9AM - 1PM:
Personal and Intern Team development as well as any external serving opportunities.

Sundays: 7AM - 1PM:
Serving on specific ministry teams during services as well as assisting with other Sunday events (More on Momentum, Baptisms, etc.)

**Depending on your ministry of interest there may also be opportunities to help at some of our week long camps.

If you have any other questions or need any more info you can email Chad Ferris at